Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Trade #1: Success (Limit)

So I exited SKF last Friday at 127, which wasn't too far from its peak value. The reasoning behind this move was that, since the 3rd wave was clearly extended, I knew the fifth wave would most likely be roughly the same size as the first. This indicated that SKF should go to about 131 or so and then change trends. Turns out I was about right, it peaked a bit past 131, but the trade was still successful.

Summary: 1265 shares SKF bought for 114, sold for 127.

Now I'm sitting back into cash. Today SKF/SRS went downhill while DDM (ultraDow) went down. Since finance / real estate are already bullish, I think this is evidence that DDM is about to go up. I haven't decided if I'm going to play the rallies or juts stay in cash. Certainly the primary trend is the safer play, but I'll keep you posted.

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