Monday, February 4, 2008

Trade #2: Success (Stop)

I sold all my shares of DDM today at 76.48. Originally I had a limit order in to sell my 2,730 shares at 79.00. Guess what happened? Last Friday DDM went just past 78 to its peak -- so my guess of 79 was very close. Unfortunately, the limit didn't kick in and so today I put a stop in a 76.50, which was hit. So in a way my trade was a failure in that it didn't go as expected, but I made money anyway, so I'm marking this as a success (noting that it was a stop).

It looks like SKF has retraced its third wave -- which means I'm SUPER bullish on SKF right now (conversely, super-bearish on the financials). So tomorrow I'm buying back into SKF. I may/ may not decide to buy put options on the DOW or financial index. I'm not sure if I'm ready to trade options yet, but this is surely a great time to buy puts.

I will keep you posted.

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